Events on: Wed, Jun 18, 2025 | |
Ladies Trafford Cup @ TBC (9:00 - Meal) | All Day Event |
Trafford Cup - Wednesday June 18th General Description: This event involves teams from the Mississippi, Smiths Falls and Perth golf clubs. Mississippi selects its team through one qualifying round in which each participant plays a match against "PAR". Each player is awarded all her handicap strokes as they fall on the card, and the 12 players with the best matches against "PAR" qualify for the team. The same format is used in the competition itself and the team with the highest accumulation of points wins the Trafford Cup. The tournament is played at one of the three participating clubs followed by dinner. Qualifying players can purchase their team shirt at the Pro Shop. Sign-up: Sheets will be posted in the ladies’ lounge three weeks prior to the qualifying event Deadline: Entries close on the Sunday preceding the qualifying event Cost: no cost for this event Contact: Ladies Captain/Co-Captain: