PACE OF PLAY: We ask that you always keep up to the group ahead of you if you can...........Ideally, you should try to play in 4 hours.
If you encounter a serious slow play issue, please call the pro shop. "Never" challenge other groups on their pace of play. Please remember, pace of play is the overall time played. Sometimes the group in front of you may be a hole or more behind for different reasons but may not be slow. It is good etiquette to let the group behind you through if you fall behind......
Be patient; the pro shop staff is not always available to deal with your situation immediately....
When playing your matches, DO NOT put fake guests in so you can play alone. This is not permitted as we are far too busy.
If a member ever encounters an issue with others on the golf couse, report it to the Pro Shop.
"NEVER" get personally involved or approach other players.
NO Thursday men's night play permitted before 11:00am
NOTE: Limited Play members may not play before noon on weekdays and 2pm on weekends regardless of how busy the afternoon is. The twilight rate for guests is also not available before noon. Morning times are prime time for Full Members and Full Fee guests.
NO SMOKING. Remember that there is no smoking at all permitted in the patio area. This includes all tables where food or drinks can be accessed....... This is the law and there are no exceptions